Any surface that is exposed to the elements is going to be at risk of mold, mildew, moss and algae. With warm and humid climates increasing every year due to global warming, unwanted natural contaminants are thriving on the surfaces of homes and costing homeowners all over the country thousands of dollars in repairs and maintenance every year.
An increasing problem is roof algae on asphalt shingle roofs. Roof algae develop and appear as black streaks and stains on roofing shingles. A great way to combat these unwanted and unsightly roof algae is by having algae resistant shingles installed on your home.
Roof algae will normally first appear on the north facing slopes of a roof where shade and moisture are most prevalent. The algae will feed on your shingles and begin to deteriorate them and lessen their longevity; this can cost the homeowner a fortune in premature replacements and repairs. Most people would like to prevent this from happening if they could.
There is no rhyme or reason to why this airborne algae lands on a roof but once it invades a roof is does not go away or get better, it only worsens. Each time it rains the algae is pulled down the roof causing unsightly black streaks. Eventually it will take over the entire shingle roof, reduce the home’s curb appeal, and lessen the value of the home.
A shingle roof that is infected by roof algae will turn completely black, this does not allow the roofing shingles to reflect heat like they need to which will cause the them to fail prematurely. Also, another concern to the homeowner is the increased home heating and cooling costs. Having black algae on the roof can lessen the efficiency of the shingles and will increase utility bills.
This type of algae is more of a problem in southern states with hotter temperatures and increased humidity. But it is also a problem in the northern states and because it can blow from roof to roof, once it is in an area it just spreads and becomes a problem for everyone.
The shingle manufacturers are very aware of the increasing problem of these algae and have taken steps towards fighting against it by developing algae resistant shingles. There are metal elements like copper and zinc that have shown a resistance to this type of airborne algae. Through research and development the shingle companies have put a shingle on the market that is much less prone to developing these unwanted algae which will save homeowners costly repairs and a lot of headache.
Roofing shingles have come a long way since they were first developed and this is just another step towards the future and to help homeowners with an increasing problem. Having algae resistant roof shingles on your home can mean increased home value and avoiding future repairs and renovations. Algae resistant shingles look like normal shingles but have algae fighting elements built into them. When the algae does land on this type of shingle it is not able to feed on the shingle and thrive like it would on a regular type of shingle.
Anything that adds value to our home and helps to reduce maintenance costs, repairs, and premature renovations is obviously a good thing. Algae resistant shingles are an excellent choice for any home that is prone to this type of algae.